Business Directory >
Services >
Wedding companies
Data Fields:
Name (in Japanese), Name (in English)*, Email, Website URL, Fax number, Phone number, Street, City, Prefecture, Postcode, Postal address (in Japanese), Number of employees*, Year of establishment*, Representative name (in Japanese)*
* Blank if not available
File Information:
- File Type: CSV
- Text Encoding: UTF-8
- Language: English
- Delivery: Download
- Source: National Tax Agency, gBizINFO (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry), etc
- Update Frequency: Daily
- Email Validation: ✔
Payment Methods:
- PayPal / Bank transfer
Data usage:
B2B lead generation Direct mail Marketing list Direct marketing Market research Phone number list Sales campaigns
Email list Mailing list Fax number list Telemarketing Classified telephone directory Digital marketing Contact list
Company database Market analysis Business directory
Name (in Japanese), Name (in English)*, Email, Website URL, Fax number, Phone number, Street, City, Prefecture, Postcode, Postal address (in Japanese), Number of employees*, Year of establishment*, Representative name (in Japanese)*
* Blank if not available
File Information:
- File Type: CSV
- Text Encoding: UTF-8
- Language: English
- Delivery: Download
- Source: National Tax Agency, gBizINFO (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry), etc
- Update Frequency: Daily
- Email Validation: ✔
Payment Methods:
- PayPal / Bank transfer
Data usage:
B2B lead generation Direct mail Marketing list Direct marketing Market research Phone number list Sales campaigns
Email list Mailing list Fax number list Telemarketing Classified telephone directory Digital marketing Contact list
Company database Market analysis Business directory