Business Directory > Manufacturing > Electronic component manufacturers

List of electronic component manufacturers in Japan

USD 160.00
(Japanese consumption tax included)
Emails Website URLs
Fax numbers Phone numbers
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- You can download after purchase
Data Fields:
Name (in Japanese), Name (in English)*, Email, Website URL, Fax number, Phone number, Street, City, Prefecture, Postcode, Postal address (in Japanese), Number of employees*, Year of establishment*, Representative name (in Japanese)*
* Blank if not available

See also:
- List of electronic component distributors in Japan
- List of electrical manufacturers in Japan
- List of machine manufacturers in Japan
- List of medical equipment manufactures in Japan
- List of semiconductor companies in Japan

File Information:
- File Type: CSV
- Text Encoding: UTF-8
- Language: English
- Delivery: Download
- Source: National Tax Agency, gBizINFO (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry), etc
- Update Frequency: Daily
- Email Validation:

Payment Methods:
- PayPal / Bank transfer
PayPal Acceptance Mark
Data usage:
B2B lead generation Direct mail Marketing list Direct marketing Market research Phone number list Sales campaigns
Email list Mailing list Fax number list Telemarketing Classified telephone directory Digital marketing Contact list
Company database Market analysis Business directory


Products related to this item

How to order

About how to place order

  • To order from our website:
      1. Click "Add to cart" button.
      2. When you have finished adding items to your cart, click "Proceed To Checkout" button and follow the on-screen instructions.
      3. Review your order information and click "Place Your Order" button to complete your purchase.
    • You will see an order confirmation screen when your purchase has been completed.
    • After confirmation of payment, we will send you a link in your email to download ordered items.

Currency and payment methods

  • Currency: USD (U.S. Dollar)
  • Payment method: PayPal / Bank transfer
PayPal Acceptance Mark
  • PayPal allows you to make payments using a variety of methods including credit cards.

How to cancel orders

  • You can cancel orders when you haven't paid yet.
      1. Go to the form page.
      2. Write your name, email address and items you ordered.
    • After submitting the cancellation, we will send you a confirmation message to the email address on your account.
Cart Notation based on the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions Home
・ 日本公司名单 电子元件制造公司 電子零件製造公司 일본 기업목록 전자부품 제조회사 บริษัทผู้ผลิตชิ้นส่วนอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ شركات تصنيع المكونات الإلكترونية Компании по производству электронных компонентов Perusahaan manufaktur komponen elektronik Empresas de fabricación de componentes electrónicos Sociétés de fabrication de composants électroniques Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd. TDK Corp. Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.

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